Portsmouth Pentecostal Church of God
Worship Venues

Wednesday 19:45 -21:30
St: Mary Church
Rowner Lane
PO13 9SU
Sunday 15:45 - 18:30
St: Colmans Ave
Near QA Hospital

We welcome you all to our Church.
Greetings to all in the matchless name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, who said “I will build my Church on this rock” (Matthew 16:18). We Portsmouth Pentecostal Church welcomes everyone who are searching for the truth of the Bible. It is our belief that God reveals Himself to everyone through faith in Jesus Christ. Our Church has a spirit filled worship, inspiring messages and earnest prayers for the needy. We aim to inspire you to experience God's presence and His holiness by becoming involved in our service.
We have an excellent Scripture based Sunday School and a dedicated team to train children in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the fear of the Lord. The goal of our church is to guide the people to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Church as a family, bears one another's burdens and shares in each other’s joy and tears as a safe haven that provides love, compassion and Christian fellowship.
Cast your burden upon the Lord! And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!!!
Portsmouth Pentecostal Church of God
Spirit - Filled
Worship - Focused
Word - Based
Service - Centered

Sunday School
Youth Meeting
Sisters Meeting
Fasting Prayer
Intercession Prayer
Outreach Ministry
Wednesday Prayer

Church Worship Team