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Our Ministers

Church Senior Minister


Pastor Saju Samuel

Rev. Saju Samuel B.Th., M.Div.Church of God Licenced minister (NTCC)

Married to Suji, his family has been blessed with two daughters, Tirzha and Olivia.


I enjoy preaching . street ministries, Bible classes, seminars, counselling and teaching the unchangeable Word of God

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Pr.Saju Samuel & Family

Assistant  Pastor


Pr.Biju Baby

Pr. Biju Baby,who was born and raised in a Pentecostal family in a village called Kadampanad in the state of Kerala, India. He carries a rich Pentecostal legacy.He was instrumental in pioneering churches in Saudi Arabia among the Indian community and served as its Assistant pastor for several years and then moved to UK.
He has been serving the Lord in various capacities such as Preacher, Teacher ,coordinator and mentor to many children and adults.
He is married to Sonia, and they are blessed with a boy Zephaniah.
Pr Biju Baby Currently pursuing his Bachelor of Christian studies (BCS)in Assembly of God, Bethel Bible College, Punalur.

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Pr Biju Baby & Family

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